Donations history

Donations under 20 dogecoins will not show up on the homepage.
2021-02-09 YellowBird donated 361 Ɖ
2021-02-08 FL_Doge donated 42 Ɖ
2021-02-06 Tanuki donated 18 Ɖ
2021-02-03 aqua_shell donated 100 Ɖ
2021-02-01 LetsGZ donated 8 Ɖ
2021-02-01 bugrash donated 28 Ɖ
2021-01-31 Anonymous donated 2 Ɖ
2021-01-31 Anonymous donated 1 Ɖ
2021-01-31 Anonymous donated 1 Ɖ
2021-01-31 flapjack donated 9 000 Ɖ
2021-01-29 AdrianCelej donated 5 Ɖ
2021-01-29 Jahan donated 20 Ɖ
2021-01-28 Anonymous donated 450 Ɖ
2021-01-27 cryptobiologist donated 2 Ɖ
2021-01-23 ChofG donated 3 000 Ɖ
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